
Hiawatha 8.4 for OpenSUSE 12.1

10 June 2012, 16:33
There was only the 8.1 version of hiawatha available for OpenSUSE, thus I had a look at the openSUSE build system and managed to compile rpms for OpenSUSE 12.1 there. I had to take out chroot due to an error, and since I don't use chroot the fastest solution was not to enable it.

I'm amazed how easy and straightforward the configuration was. I used a lot of Apache before, and then nginx, and especially the nginx configuration with CakePHP 2.1 was a nightmare, which did cost me days and required patching of cakephp, undoing a bug fix the CakePHP devs introduced with 2.06.

Hiawatha with CakePHP 2.11 and php-fpm was easy to configure, simply following the Howto. The server is snappy fast too. Although i expected that, I'm impressed.

Great Job, Hugo, You can add another user to the Hiawatha stats. I'll move all our servers to Hiawatha, replacing Apache and Nginx.

Thanks for Hiawatha,

Hiawatha version: 8.4
Operating System: OpenSUSE 12.1

Update: I just notice that Alexander Evseev, who had offered hiawatha 8.1 for openSUSE, has upgraded to 8.4 too, and he has compiled it not just for OpenSUSE 12.1. Anyway, better 2 than 0
Hugo Leisink
10 June 2012, 18:55
Thanks for the packages and your feedback! Good to hear you appreciate Hiawatha. I updated the download page with the provided link.

For some time now, I'm looking for someone who can create a RPM version of the extra/make_*_package scripts inside the Hiawatha source tarbal. Do you think you can help me with that?
11 June 2012, 05:02
Hi Hugo,

i'm not an expert for rpm creation, this was the first time that I created an rpm, and OpenSUSE's Build Service made it really easy, combined with the examples for hiawatha 8.1 and 7.7 which had been there already.

Nevertheless I noticed that there had been some warnings when creating the rpm. They seem not to affect functionality, however it makes sense to address them. One warning was, for example, that there is no reload option in the init scripts (just start, stop, status and restart).

Yes, I will have a look at these extra/make_*_package scripts of hiawatha, and let you know if i can see something to change.

At the very minimum I can test changes and compile any new versions of hiawatha on OpenSUSE's build service (if Alexander hasn't done it already - i don't want to redo what he has done, but simply ensure that the latest hiawatha is available for the OS versions we use).

Hugo Leisink
11 June 2012, 16:32
Who is this Alexander? Maybe he can help?
13 June 2012, 00:14
Is this something that could work on CentOS ? current CentOS packages are outdated..
Hugo Leisink
13 June 2012, 10:18
I think so. If you follow the link at the top of this topic, you'll see that CentOS packages are also available.
17 June 2012, 15:42
Tested it out on Centos 6..

Not really useful since Hiawatha depends on versions of glibc and libxml that are not in repos
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