
Large files with ShowIndex

10 July 2012, 02:46

i am using a directory with "ShowIndex" for hosting some DVD-Images. Unfortunately the Images don't show up. Smaller files are shown but the large ones not. the images are approximately 4GB in size.

Did I miss some configuration or ist this some kind of bug?


Hiawatha version: 8.3.2
Operating System: Slackware64 13.37
Hugo Leisink
10 July 2012, 19:52
I tested myself on my MacBook Pro. Hiawatha show a file of almost 6GB in the directory index without any problem. Could it be a access rights issue?
11 July 2012, 06:12
The Limit seems to be 2GB file size.
The OS is Slackware 32 bit, not 64 bit. On a 64bit installation everything works fine.
13 July 2012, 03:54
Still no solution. There ist nothing in the logs, it seems as Hiawatha just does not see Files larger than 2GB. I will setup a test machine wirth 32Bit and try to reproduce the bug.
Hugo Leisink
13 July 2012, 10:27
It's not that Hiawatha doesn't see them. Hiawatha doesn't filter anything. It's probably your OS. A 32-bit OS has 32 bit integers. 2^32 = 4294967296. For a signed integer, this will be -2147483648 to 2147483647. 2147483647 is your 2GB.
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