
Great Work!

Yassen Damyanov
18 September 2008, 14:06
Hi Hugo and all Hiawatha users!

I am new to Hiawatha, but I am impressed by the product! I run a small hosting center and I plan to primarily use Hiawatha as a web server ...

I am a bit hesitant however, as I do not know how strong is the Hiawatha community and if I will get the support I might need.

Please, advice, anyone, I would be happy to deploy a solution based on this nice piece of software but I need more input.

Thank you!
Hugo Leisink
18 September 2008, 15:05
Almost all of the support is given by me (the author of Hiawatha). I'm still activly working on Hiawatha (working on better Windows and MacOS X support right now), so you don't have to worry about that. I'm giving an answer to every question on this forum within a day (unless I'm on holiday etc), so if you have any problem, it will be solved soon.

There is a FAQ and HOWTO for Hiawatha on this website, which should give you all the information you need to get started. I get a lot of compliments for how easy people find to configure Hiawatha. The manpage is complete. Hiawatha has all the things a modern webserver needs, so I would say: go ahead and use it!

If you think things are missing in Hiawatha, just let me know and I'll see what I can do for you.
Yassen Damyanov
18 September 2008, 15:21
Ahh Hugo, thanks a lot for your prompt reply! This by itself gives me much confidence.

Although I am new to Hiawatha (as already noted), here's a feedback of a newcomer that may be useful to you, as you know, when someone outside enters the room, he can better feel what the air smells of; those inside have already got used to that )

1. Hiawatha needs to be popularized. I think it deserves much more publicity than it has. I can say that I stumbled upon it "by accident" to discover that (so far) it is exactly what I was looking for.

2. Hiawatha needs a stronger community around it -- then many of the support requests will be handled by other people and only you. Don't know what is your development model, but I think you would welcome development contributions as well (provided they meet the corresponding requirements, of course).

This may sound a bit "too aggressive" for a newcomer to propose, but I say this from a pure heart, wishing the project very bright future! I myself will look for any means to help, if that is welcomed by you and by those that help you.

When you have time, let me know what is your opinion.
Thank you!
Hugo Leisink
18 September 2008, 15:43
1) I'm doing all I get the get the world to know Hiawatha. I make a Hiawatha entry on almost every open source website, created a wikipedia page, making it available on many operating systems. The problem is: Hiawatha ain't Apache. The whole world uses Apache. If someone needs a webserver, he installs Apache, even when it's the worst fit for what he needs. What I need is other people to help me promote Hiawatha. I alone can't take over the world, I need an army

2) I've spoken to some users via e-mail about Hiawatha and asked why they never used the forum to address their problems. They said it was because they didn't need the forum. They where able to solve the problems themself because Hiawatha's configuration syntax is very easy and the HOWTO/FAQ/manpage where sufficient. So, it looks like that in order to create a large community, I have to stop making Hiawatha so easy to use....

You comments are definitly not aggressive. They are most welcome!
Yassen Damyanov
18 September 2008, 17:24
> I alone can't take over the world, I need an army

hehe ... I guess so! ) If you accept me, I'll be one of the generals LOL

Jokes aside, I do want to help, although I am very limited in terms of time resources. However, I can setup things like a TRAC installation ( or similar, it has a wiki system, issue tracking, things that besides being very useful, also create a positive image to the project. If you are willing, we can exchange emails to communicate more in private; and I would share my ideas. (You can drop me an email to yassen_tis -AT-

Thanks for you warm "welcome",
Cheers! Y.
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