
URL Deny Access / Cache Control

16 August 2012, 04:47
I am getting futher along in

I load tested Hiawatha and found it could handle 10 hits a seconds without a problem. More real world testing coming.

That is 600 per minute, 36000 per hour, 864000 per day.

Now, I want to get some control over the finer points of the server running.

1) How do I isolate http headers, for example, blocking remote web servers from linking to my images? (I want to look at the referer, make sure it exists and is part of my web server before allowing a jpg/gif image file to be served

2) How do I shut down web crawling robots from draining bandwidth of my servers? (It is mentioned i

3) How to I customize access log format and also toggle log settings on a live server without bringing it down?

4) How do I prevent the logging of jpg / gif files since they are redundant entries in the log file, causing clutter, but I would like to toggle it on and off
while the server is running. Maybe a signal needs to be added to hiawathee to reload .CONF file settings. Many times, I just want to log errors for access problems. Same goes for more significant errors, likely only found in the errorlog.

5) How do I trigger the client browsers, like firefox, to actually cache images instead of downloading them all the time? (I want the cache-expire header to be greater than zero I believe)

I am now switching over to Hiawatha from Apache2!!!!!

Your response appreciated,

16 August 2012, 05:21
By the way, I was searching using your web site search for each of my above questions so I do not receive a RTFM, just like I solved my 405 errors from a previous forum entry. And documented it for all the world to see.

I would love to be able to EDIT my original entry so I can update the community and spare them having to read incorrect test results. No users are forced to read everything regardless of how much intelligence may have been developed since the original post.

Even though the documentation consists of a very small Manual and HowTo, the forum posts are another thing scour to find related problems.

For example, I think the cache-expire question may be handled in PHP, but I would like to add that at the web server level if possible, I saw something about cache somewhere in the manual/HOW TO, but I cannot find it now.

Hugo, nice work in any sense. Cherokee server lost out because even though Cherokee has a nice GUI admin, it does not work and crashes the python stack. I am content to editing the CONF file anyways, it gives me immediate power to make changes, but I could use a reload command among other things.

WIth respect to these signals, I may just edit the source code to make some of these changes.
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