
Basic rendering of php files

3 September 2012, 17:18
Hi, I have installed Hiawatha and configured it for use with standard php pages but they don't render. Is there some other setting/file I have to configure other than the one stated.
I have amended the 2 lines for cgi as in the manual but can't find any entry as with apache for serving up php pages.

Tips welcome Thanks

Hiawatha version: 8.4
Operating System: Centos 6.3
Hugo Leisink
3 September 2012, 17:29
What do the logfiles say?
3 September 2012, 18:09
I cant find the log files ! changed the line in hiawatha.conf Startt page index.php but still no joy
3 September 2012, 18:16
Correction ,found the log files in /var/log/hiawatha but they are all blank. Server works for standard html pages but not php
Hugo Leisink
3 September 2012, 18:25
Check the access rights of the logfiles. They should have the same owner (user and group) as the running webserver process.
3 September 2012, 18:38
Checked they owned by Apache, should be change to what ? Thanks.
Hugo Leisink
3 September 2012, 18:45
The same user and group id you use for Hiawatha. Take a look at the ServerId setting and its value in your configuration file.
3 September 2012, 18:56
#ServerId = www-data
ConnectionsTotal = 150
ConnectionsPerIP = 10
SystemLogfile = /usr/local/var/log/hiawatha/system.log
GarbageLogfile = /usr/local/var/log/hiawatha/garbage.log

Above is what it is currently, obviously it should be something else
3 September 2012, 19:14
When I uncomment and assign 'localhost' to it I get an error, what is its value supposed to be ? thanks
Hugo Leisink
3 September 2012, 19:15
If ServerId is not set, Hiawatha is probably running as user 'nobody'. No offense, but you seem to lack basic knowledge about how to run a daemon (which a webserver is). Please, read the documentation on this website. I have to problem with helping you out, but the the online documentation is there for a reason...
3 September 2012, 19:17
Just to clarify, server is working for html, its just not working with php. I only installed the bare minimum packages from the repo, being php, php-mysql and mysql. Perhaps I need more.
3 September 2012, 19:19
OK you are right, I will look it up further, Thanks (it is running as 'nobody')
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