
Reverse Proxy Feature - getting timeouts while waiting for request

25 October 2012, 18:51
Hi there,

I've been trying to hard to setup a reverse proxy to my groupware (Zimbra) but unfortunately I can't manage to get it to work.
When I enter a URL hardly anything comes through. I can only access one or two css of the page and that's it and the speed is not top notch either.

What I find in the HIawatha logs is a whole lot of entries like the following:
Timeout while waiting for request

The zimbra log doesn't show a lot of requests as it would usually do. If I activate my so far used reverse proxy (Cherokee) Zimbra responds at high speeds.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Best regards,

Hiawatha version: 8.5
Operating System: Ubuntu Linux 10.04
25 October 2012, 19:26
Update: It's not the reverse proxy feature that causes it. It seems to be a general situation. Could this be related to the banning feature? If so: Does banning prevail through server restarts? Since the situation has started I've done multiple server restarts and also send the USR1 signal via the kill command.

I'm still not having any idea, though.
Hugo Leisink
25 October 2012, 19:42
Hiawatha only bans if you have told him to do so via configuration. And all bans are removed when the server is restarted.
The error 'Timeout while waiting for requests' means that a client (browser) has connected, but not sent a single request. So, it has nothing to do with the reverse proxy. It's hard for me to tell what goes wrong from a distance. Perhaps you could log the network traffic with Wireshark or tcpdump. Or you could give Fiddler2 a try to see what is being sent and recieved.
27 October 2012, 07:59
It just seems as it wouldn't transfer the requests in total. Anyways I'll stick to my so far successful configuration with cherokee. I don't have more time to experiment with hiawatha. Other than the reverse proxying everything worked out of the box for me, but well working reverse proxying is a must feature for me.
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