
About timeout setting

23 October 2008, 07:10
i find a strange issue, when i push a POST from broswer, we need wait the backend send the result at least 180 seconds. but i find when the wait time reach 120 seconds. hiawatha will receive this POST request again. but my PHP code doesn't send this request.
here is my httpd.conf
ServerId = 33:33
ConnectionsTotal = 100
ConnectionsPerIP = 10
SystemLogfile = /dev/null
GarbageLogfile = /dev/null
TimeForCGI = 300
Binding {
Port = 80
MaxRequestSize = 25600
Interface =
Binding {
Port = 443
MaxRequestSize = 25600
Interface =
ServerKey = /usr/local/etc/hiawatha/webui_serverkey.pem
UseSSL = yes
FastCGIserver {
FastCGIid = FCGI
ServerRoot = /tmp/web_pages
ConnectTo =
Extension = php
FastCGIserver {
FastCGIid = FCGI2
ServerRoot = /usr/local/var/www/hiawatha
ConnectTo =
Extension = php
FastCGIserver {
FastCGIid = PHP5
ConnectTo =
Extension = php5
SessionTimeout = 180

Hostname =
WebsiteRoot = /usr/local/var/www/hiawatha
StartFile = index.html
ExecuteCGI = no
AccessLogfile = /dev/null
ErrorLogfile = /tmp/http-err.log

VirtualHost {
Hostname =
WebsiteRoot = /usr/local/var/www/hiawatha/webui
StartFile = index.php5
FastCGI = PHP5

the debug informatin about the redundant POST is
2008-10-22 11:17:33 debug [ws_verbose, log.c, 222]:|Wed 22 Oct 2008 11:17:33 +0000|200|357||POST /action.php5?_page=ImageManagement&_action=add&_actionType=0 HTTP/1.1|Host:|User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-CN; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3 FirePHP/0.1.2|Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8|Accept-Language: zh-cn,zh;q=0.5|Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate|Accept-Charset: gb2312,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7|Keep-Alive: 300|Connection: keep-alive|X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequ

can you help me?
23 October 2008, 07:12
my php.ini about CGI timeout setting is:
; Resource Limits ;

max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = -1 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 20M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
Hugo Leisink
23 October 2008, 10:15
Hiawatha doesn't renerate HTTP requests, so if Hiawatha receives a 'second one', it must have been sent to Hiawatha. Probably by your browsery. Try using a network sniffer to see where it comes from. TCPdump for Unix of Wireshark for Windows.
23 October 2008, 12:52
hi :
Does hiawatha has limitation for http request? i find after 120 second for http request, hiawatha will disconnect with browser, is it right?
23 October 2008, 12:53
my hiawatha version is 5.2.7
Hugo Leisink
23 October 2008, 23:13
Yes, Hiawatha will disconnect after a certain amount of time. This can be configured via the TimeForRequest setting.

Version 5.2.7 can't be right. There never was a 5.2.7 release. You can see the version of Hiawatha by using '/usr/local/sbin/hiawatha -v'.
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