
Mailman on Hiawatha

22 February 2013, 08:51
Anyone have working configuration settings for Mailman run on Hiawatha?

My current setting:
VirtualHost {
Hostname =
WebsiteRoot = /usr/local/www/example
StartFile = index.html
Alias = /mailman:/usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin
Alias = /pipermail:/usr/local/mailman/archives/public
Alias = /icons:/usr/local/www/icons

My current CGI configuration setting:
CGIextension = cgi
CGIhandler = /usr/bin/perl:pl
CGIhandler = /usr/bin/python:py

If I type in /pipermail and /icons on the browser, both showed up no problem. If I type /mailman, /mailman/admin and /mailman/listinfo, I get 404 error (empty page) AND the browser ask me if I can save .BIN files. Mailman use Python.

I turned Hiawatha off and turn Apache on to see if the simliar problem show up. On Apache, everything (i.e. pipermail, icons, mailman, admin, listinfo so on...) showed up no problem.

I see only setting that Apache able to run Mailman something Hiawatha lacking: ScriptAlias

I am very much like to stay with Hiawatha and trying to run Mailman on Hiawatha too.


Hiawatha version: 8.7
Operating System: FreeBSD
Hugo Leisink
22 February 2013, 12:02
Have you read the CGI HOWTO? You have to add "ExecuteCGI = yes" to your virtual host block. What are the extensions of the mailman CGI scripts?
22 February 2013, 18:21
I added "ExecuteCGI = yes" and restart it. Still no go.

There are no extensions of mailman CGI scripts. I use Mailman version 2.1.14_6.

22 February 2013, 18:25
In the /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin directory, there are no extensions of CGI scripts.
Hugo Leisink
22 February 2013, 23:53
Use the NoExtensionAs option to execute Python for scripts without an extension.
23 February 2013, 12:32
Ok, I added:

ExecuteCGI =yes
NoExtensionAs = cgi
EnablePathInfo = yes

If I type in "/mailman/admin" or "/mailman/listinfo" on the browser and their pages showed up no problem.

If I type in "/mailman/admin/mylist" or "/mailman/listsinfo/mylist" and both get 404 error. Same thing on "/pipermail/mylist" too.

Hmm... permissions problem or different owner/group information? Oh, I put "ServerId = nobody" in the Server configuration.

Hugo Leisink
23 February 2013, 15:03
You said the mailman scripts where Python scripts. Shouldn't you then be using
NoExtensionAs = py
25 February 2013, 11:34

Ok, I changed from cgi to py

Still 404 error.

After read and re-read the Hiawatha manual, I added:

FollowSymlinks = yes

and restarted Hiawatha. The /mailman/admin and /mailman/listinfo showed up. But, still 404 errors on /mailman/admin/mylist and /mailman/listinfo/mylist.

The /pipermail/mylist (archives) showed up!

This is getting real close to make the whole Mailman on Hiawatha thing work together...

Suggestions or ideas? What about Directory section in the Hiawatha.conf file?
25 February 2013, 19:02

From 'Install and configure mailman on FreeBSD 8.3 RELEASE' page (url: ) :

Setup Apache to work with mailman section:

# Added and edited. Mainly for mailman to work.
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
#AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All


# -- Added for Mailman
ScriptAlias /mailman/ /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/
Alias /pipermail/ /usr/local/mailman/archives/public/
Options FollowSymLinks
# -- End add.

Hugo Leisink
25 February 2013, 19:32
mailman/admin/mylist and mailman/listinfo/mylist are files or directories?
25 February 2013, 20:31

The 'mailman/admin' and 'mailman/listinfo' are python files with no extension and in the /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin directory.

The 'mylist' is just configuration data file that came from /usr/local/mailman/lists directory.

25 February 2013, 20:55

Correction: the 'mylist' is actually directory ( /usr/local/mailman/lists/mylist ) that contains configuration/data files.

The 'mylist' is created via '/mailman/create' web page (yes that showed up no problem).
26 February 2013, 21:17
I tried:
Directory {
Path = /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin
ExecuteCGI = yes
FollowSymlinks = yes

and get Syntax error on that 'FollowSymlinks' line. So, I remove that line. Restart Hiawatha. No Syntax error but still no luck.

Is there bug on that 'FollowSymlinks' in the Directory Configuration?
27 February 2013, 11:26
As I am waiting for Hugo's response, I changed the 'FollowSymlinks' to 'FollowSymlink' below:
Directory {
Path = /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin
ExecuteCGI = yes
FollowSymlink = yes

Then restarted Hiawatha and NO Syntax error on that 'FollowSymlink' line.

So, just to let you know about that.
Hugo Leisink
27 February 2013, 20:21
FollowSymlink should indeed be FollowSymlinks. Thanks, I've fixed this in the source.
27 February 2013, 21:46
When can I download version that fix FollowSymlinks bug?
Hugo Leisink
28 February 2013, 09:32
It's not available yet. Edit src/serverconfig.c and fix it manually at line 1437.
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