
php5-fpm and php-fcgi

30 March 2013, 18:51
Saludos Hugo, espero que estés bien, tengo una pregunta para usted, hace unos años que uso Hiawatha como mi servidor web por defecto, actualmente uso la versión 8.5, hoy he instalado la versión 9.0 y me encuentro con que no hay php-fcgi, después de un tiempo descubrí que php5-FPM es un reemplazo, pero que usted no es el autor de esta pieza de software, me temo que la calidad y la seguridad de php5-fpm, nunca he tenido ningún problema con php-fcgi, me gustaría saber la razones para retirar a php-fcgi

pido disculpas por mi mal ingles espero que pueda entender la pregunta

Hugo Greetings, I hope you're right, I have a question for you, a few years ago that I use as my web server Hiawatha default, currently use version 8.5, today I installed version 9.0 and I find no php-fcgi, after a while I discovered that php5-FPM is a replacement, but you are not the author of this piece of software, I fear that the quality and safety of php5-fpm, I've never had any problems with php-fcgi, I like to know the reasons for withdrawing php-fcgi

I apologize for my bad English, I hope you can understand the question

Hiawatha version: Hiawatha v8.5
Operating System: VenOS
30 March 2013, 19:20
It is a doubt to me too.
Hugo Leisink
30 March 2013, 19:49
The reason for the switch is because php-fpm is include in PHP itself and has many more options than php-fcgi. There is no reason to doubt its quality.

For those who still want to use php-fcgi, you can download it here.
30 March 2013, 19:58
thanks for responding so quickly, it is now clear to me, have a good day hugo

gracias por responder tan rápido, ahora es claro para mí, tener un buen día hugo
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