
SSL Codesigning / Certificates general

3 April 2013, 15:00

I'm trying to replace my Apache by Hiawatha but I'm struggling with the certificates. By now, I created a CA certificate and 3 other certificates which where signed using the CA.

- one for the server
- one for code signing
- one for the client

So far I could get the server-part running. But code signing doesn't work so far. Unfortunately Hiawatha seems to use certificates in a different way than apache and I'm not very used to this topic.

Thats the way if have created the certificates so far:

The CA
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -out ca.crt -keyout ca.key -days 365 \
-passin file:sslpass -passout file:sslpass

The Server:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.req \
-passin file:sslpass -passout file:sslpass

# SIGN Certificate using CA Certificate
openssl ca -config ca.cnf -in server.req -out server.crt \
-passin file:sslpass -batch

Codesigning and Client is the same but have different filenames.

Then I use them the standard way in apache. In http.conf:
SSLCACertificateFile __CERTS_PATH__/ca.crt
SSLCertificateFile __CERTS_PATH__/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile __CERTS_PATH__/server.key

Codesigning happens via this command:
openssl cms -sign -binary -noattr \
-certfile ca.crt \
-outform DER \
-signer codesign.crt \
-inkey codesign.key \
-in $HTTP_PATH/filename \
-out $HTTP_PATH/filename.sig

I need the *.crt and *.key files for third party software.

Last I need the files ca.crt \ client.crt \ client.key to build software including the Client certificate.

I tried adding the ca.crt to serverkey.pem (using cat ca.crt >> serverkey.pem)
but without success.

Hope you can help me using this certificates in Hiawatha.

Thank you in advance.


Hiawatha version: 9.0
Operating System: Ubuntu 12.10
3 April 2013, 17:15
Pls delete, I've solved the problems.

It's simply copying and "cating" the crt and key files.

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