
Gentoo Hiawatha Overlay

8 April 2013, 22:59

Hiawatha version: 9.0
Operating System: Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1


Will you consider to make your own private overly of Hiawatha for Gentoo or Pentoo?

Hugo Leisink
8 April 2013, 23:02
What's a 'private overly'?
8 April 2013, 23:27

Sorry, typo. "private overly".

You can make your own Gentoo overlay and allow Gentoo users to use by the following commands :

e.g. the name of overlay is "hugo"

layman -a hugo
emerge --sync
emerge -av hiawatha

Hugo Leisink
8 April 2013, 23:37
I don't know Gentoo and I don't have the time to dig into it. So, I'm afraid that my answer has to be 'no'.
9 April 2013, 00:03
Hi Hugo,

Forget it. Someone out there has made it. Please include the link in your download page.

rion overlay []

Hugo Leisink
9 April 2013, 01:51
Great. Added it to the Download page.
10 April 2013, 21:42
I emailed Andrei in May last year when hiawata overlay was a bit overdated.. he said:

"I,m no plan to support and bump this ebuild because the upstream is not friendly to other distributions, source now contain bundled libraries and build systems migration from autotools to cmake is very hard to me.
Also, lost interest in this project"

I have no idea what changed but I am not really sure it will be updated in future
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