
Make Hiawathe directory independent?

16 April 2013, 12:06
I installed Hiawatha (on 64bit Win7) in directory:


At first I changed the paths in Hiawatha.bat to the path above und then double clicked on the *Hiawatha.bat" file.

Unfortunately the appearing cmdprompt shows an error:

/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Hiawatha/config: No such file or directory

Hmm, where do I change/set the new path to the config file?

Could Hiawatha not implemented in a directory independent, portable way so that the config file is always searched in the
folder (pay attention to the double (=back) dots "..") beginning from the bat directory:


Thank you
Hugo Leisink
16 April 2013, 12:35
That's not supported at this moment. It is possible, but to do so you need to install Cygwin and compile Hiawatha yourself. You can use the extra/make_windows_package as a start.
18 April 2013, 09:03
Hmm, thats a big disadvantage.

When will this feature be available?

99,9%% of all software installations allow such a user definable installation directory.
It should be easy to implement

Hugo Leisink
18 April 2013, 11:04
I'll see what I can do.
Hugo Leisink
22 April 2013, 11:31
It is already possible. Just follow these steps:

  • Copy the ZIP content to a suitable location.
  • Edit the properties of the 'Hiawatha webserver' shortcut and fix the path.
  • Edit 'bin/Hiawatha.bat' and add the -c option followed by the correct directory to the wigwam.exe and hiawatha.exe call. If you get warnings about the used pathnames, use /cygdrive/c instead of C:\, /cygdrive/d instead of D:\ and so on. Also use the slash instead of the backslash in the rest of the path. So, /cygdrive/d/Hiawatha instead of D:\Hiawatha.
  • Edit conf/hiawatha.conf and fix the pathnames. Add the ExploitLogfile and PIDfile option if not present and set the correct filename.
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