
How bannig system works?

30 April 2013, 17:56
Is banning system can be used behind a proxy server? Does it work with headers X-Forwarded-For? Sorry for the noob question
Hugo Leisink
1 May 2013, 08:40
That's not a noob question. What you should do is add "HideProxy = <ip-address of proxy>" to the configuration of the Hiawatha webserver which is behind the reverse proxy. With this option, Hiawatha takes the IP-address from the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header and pretends the request came from that IP address.
1 May 2013, 11:18
Great and so simple. Every day I am convinced that there is no better webserver. I should more accurately read the documentation:)
Thank you, Hugo
Hugo Leisink
1 May 2013, 11:24
Thanks! And spread the word
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