
"Token expired. Please reload page" - owncloud 5.0.5 with Hiawatha 9.1

1 May 2013, 04:02

Hiawatha version: 9.1
Operating System: Debian Wheezy on an ARM box

I'm new to webserver and still learning the basics. Apache seemed too much for my ARM box and lighttpd seemed not so light as it claims and without serving anything seriously, I had to restart it every 1 or 2 days. That's when I come to Hiawatha. So first of all, thank you Hugo for this great program. I know I should have gone to Hiawatha at the very first place...

And regarding the message I mentioned in the subject, I saw it whenever I try to set the email address of an accout (and then switch the focus to elsewhere to let the system save the setting) and also when I click the contacts tab. I googled a lot and I saw someone else had already talked about that elsewhere, but there seems no solution available. I modified the xcache according to a post in a mailing list (this seems also available in the forum, but the information was a little difference regarding the lines that need to be edited), but the problem still there, and I don't know whether it's connected with this issue or not. So would you please have look on this? After reading those information available, I thought this most probably is the fault of owncloud, but maybe there's some work around at the Hiawatha side?
Thank you again.

Best Regards
Hugo Leisink
1 May 2013, 08:37
Version 4.x use to work quite well with Hiawatha, but 5.x gives too much trouble. There is not much I can do to fix it. The ownCloud developers need to fix this. I already created a topic at their forum []. My advice is to add your comments there so they see more people desire Hiawatha-support in ownCloud.

Btw, if you are looking for a simple file sharing webapp, you could also take a look at gpFinder []. This one works perfectly, even with Hiawatha.
1 May 2013, 11:41
I followed that topic Should I describe my detailed problem? (maybe not since it's a feature request thread?) And thanks for the info on gpFinder. But the most wanted feature of owncloud for me is the contact and bookmark sync. Maybe I shall try to downgrade owncloud. Since no serious data was input to owncloud yet I can simply restart from scratch
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