I just have one more problem...
A client of mine runs a drupal site.
The site is loaded from /home/xyz/public_html
However a WordPress blog is loaded from /home/xyz/public_html/blog/
In other words, example1.com loads the drupal site while example1.com/blog loads the WordPress blog.
The issue is I want to have per directory URLtoolkits
I tried this config:
VirtualHost {
Hostname = www.example1.com, *.example1.com
WebsiteRoot = /home/xyz/public_html
StartFile = index.php
AccessLogfile = /home/xyz/logs/access.log
ErrorLogfile = /home/xyz/logs/error.log
UseFastCGI = xyz
ExecuteCGI = yes
TimeForCGI = 15
UseGZfile = yes
Directory {
Path = /home/xyz/public_html
Directory {
Path = /home/xyz/public_html/blog
I get a syntax error on the UseToolkit lines when I restart hiawatha.
How do I make this work?