
URL Toolkit for Contao

23 August 2013, 17:18
Hey Hugo and folks!

I couldn't find a url toolkit in the list on this website for the CMS Contao, so I created one myself. So far it seems to work for just fine, regardless of whether the internal rewrite option is enabled or not. Without it, one (at least me, that is ) keeps getting 404s when trying to call other pages except home.

However, there might be some issues left related to security, i.e. forbid access to certain files. I'm just getting started with Contao, so I can't say anything about it yet.

Here it is. This assumes that Contao resides under /contao.

UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = contao
RequestURI exists Return
Match /contao/(.*)\?(.*) Rewrite /contao/index.php?id=$1&$2
Match /contao/(.*) Rewrite /contao/index.php?id=$1


Hiawatha version: 9.2
Operating System: Debian Wheezy
Hugo Leisink
24 August 2013, 13:57
This topic has been closed.