
Basic authentication against MySQL and FastCGI user

Francesco PIRANEO G.
12 December 2013, 18:55
Good afternoon,

I'd like to use iredadmin and other tools provided by iRedMail under Hiawatha instead of Apache; some questions about:

1. I googled about someone that migrated iRedMail under Hiawatha without results; any clues?

2. iRedAdmin execute FastCGI process under user 'iredadmin'; the apache directives are the followings:

WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi
WSGIDaemonProcess iredadmin user=iredadmin threads=15
WSGIProcessGroup iredadmin

I've seen that there are some configurations directives about the FastCGI wrapper but I cannot focus on something practical; can you point me to an example to sharp my ideas?

3. Other tools provided by iRedAdmin executes basic authentication querying MySQL; here are the directives:

# Database related.
AuthMySQL_Password_Table mailbox
Auth_MySQL_Username_Field username
Auth_MySQL_Password_Field password

# Password related.
AuthMySQL_Empty_Passwords off
AuthMySQL_Encryption_Types Crypt_MD5
Auth_MySQL_Authoritative On

I don't found anything similar in Hiawatha; I know that I can use basic authentication picking up credentials from a file, but a similar functionality in Hiawatha can be very pretty: does it exist?

Thank you for your precious help.


Hiawatha version: 9.3
Operating System: Debian 7 amd64
Hugo Leisink
12 December 2013, 19:26
Hiawatha doesn't support WSGI. You have to find a way to simulate FastCGI via WSGI.
Hiawatha also doesn't support HTTP authentication via a MySQL database.
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