
Banshee Framework CGI timeout

7 January 2014, 16:13
Hiawatha version: 9.3.1

Hi Hugo,

I have Banshee Framework installed on my webserver [ ] but I get a 500 internal error after posting a comment. I have set TimeForCGI to 15 seconds which is enough I think. Do you have any idea what it could be?

Hugo Leisink
7 January 2014, 20:34
I also get a 500 after a post to your weblog (although the comment is posted). I also get a 500 after requesting any page at your website for 30 seconds after posting a comment.

What does the error logfile say?
7 January 2014, 20:36
Hold on
7 January 2014, 20:38
banshee/public/index.php|CGI timeout
and that's all
Hugo Leisink
7 January 2014, 20:41
Do other forms (forum, guestbook, contact form, mailbox) also cause this issue?
7 January 2014, 20:49
Most of them modules I have removed because of distraction.
Yes, the contact form does have the same behaviour.
Hugo Leisink
7 January 2014, 20:50
When this happens, what is the load on the server? And the load off the specific PHP process?
7 January 2014, 21:00
Nothing happens and my second post goes flawless
Hugo Leisink
7 January 2014, 21:06
What happens if you increase the TimeForCGI to, for example, 300?
7 January 2014, 21:10
Now it works!
Hugo Leisink
7 January 2014, 21:12
But, how long do you have to wait for the comment to be posted?
7 January 2014, 21:16
More than a minute but less than 2
Hugo Leisink
7 January 2014, 21:19
If you know a little PHP, you could pinpoint the delaying code by placing "print time();" lines at strategic points in public/index.php.
7 January 2014, 21:30
Well, I am not a php guru but now it is working i have something to hold on. I will check my configuration, controller and model at my server because my development server is working ok.
I will let you know tomorrow or the day after, Hugo
Thanks for your time and patience.
Hugo Leisink
7 January 2014, 21:31
Graag gedaan!
7 January 2014, 21:34
En als ik klaar ben en ik gepromoveerd ben tot de held van de woonkamer dan ben ik HELEMAAL HUGO, zegt m'n dochter.
Hugo Leisink
7 January 2014, 22:42
Nog een Hugo? Dat kan de wereld niet aan. Een is al erg genoeg!
9 January 2014, 09:38
Ok, No more CGI timeouts! I reinstalled my jail and now it is working.
Hugo Leisink
9 January 2014, 09:40
Nice! \o/ \o/ \o/
9 January 2014, 09:42
Had nothing to do with Banshee and Hiawatha
Hugo Leisink
9 January 2014, 09:43
I already guessed that that would be the case. But good to hear it all works fine now.
9 January 2014, 09:56
Consider this topic solved, Hugo. It was either hairpulling or reinstall. The choice was simple.
Hugo Leisink
9 January 2014, 09:58
Topic will automatically close when no message is posted for two weeks.
13 January 2014, 20:43
Ok, thanks.
This topic has been closed.