
Banshee Framework Email

9 January 2014, 10:08
Is it suppose to work with the contact form out of the box?
Hugo Leisink
9 January 2014, 10:37
The Banshee e-mail module is to send internal messages. Messages send via that module stay inside that module. No real e-mails are being send.

The contact form sends a normal e-mail to the address specified in the Settings administration page.
9 January 2014, 10:43
The contact form sends a normal e-mail to the address specified in the Settings administration page.

That is when you run your own mailserver?
Hugo Leisink
9 January 2014, 10:45
Not per se your own, but the server Hiawatha is running on needs to be able to send an e-mail.
9 January 2014, 11:12
Ssmtp should do the job than?
Hugo Leisink
9 January 2014, 11:31
Sure, configure it in php.ini and you're done.
9 January 2014, 11:36
Thanks, Hugo.
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