
Error binding

13 February 2014, 03:47

Hiawatha version: 9.3.1
Operating System: puppy linux precise, slacko
13 February 2014, 03:51
Dear all,

Problem: error binding

I am a newbie in hiawatha. I've done all that i can, but hiawatha won't start.

Steps done:
1. configuration - hiawatha
i changed only binding interface to (which is my ip address within the network)

2. start the firewall linux to enable port 80

3. type hiawatha but it produces "error binding"

4. i changed to port 3000 , repeat step 1 -3, get the same error

what steps i am missing??
Hugo Leisink
13 February 2014, 11:05
Did you start Hiawatha as root? It could also be that some process is already listening at port 80 or 3000. You can use "netstat -l" to see which process that might be.
14 February 2014, 03:51
thank you Hugo, it's running
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