
How to run hiawatha? Just within / inside the network

14 February 2014, 03:58
Dear all,
I am a newbie in hiawatha and have several stupid questions.

Hiawatha version: 9.3.1
Operating System: puppy linux

1. version

i downloaded the latest version which is 9.3.1. But, when i type hiawatha -v
it displayed:
Hiawatha v6.17.1

so, which one is correct??

2. Finally, i get the hiawatha to run. I've looked from netstat -at, that it is listening on port 80, which i set in the configuration.
VirtualHost {
Hostname =
WebsiteRoot = /root/Web-Server
StartFile = index.html
AccessLogfile = /var/log/hiawatha/access.log
ErrorLogfile = /var/log/hiawatha/error.log

But, when i go to another computer within the same network, and type,
2a, it doesnt' display the page on index.html.

14 February 2014, 03:59
Also, 2b. how do i test the web server?
Assuming, i dont want to use drupal, joomla, etc.
I just want to use a simple notepad to create a website.

Any steps i am missing here???

please help, i am a newbie here.

thanks again for your help
14 February 2014, 04:18
I've done this also
Binding { 
Port = 80
Interface =
Interface =
} = a client

the hiawatha server is

And, when i go to client, i tried ping, it gets replies.
But, when i type to the google chrome, it says

google chrome could not connect to
Hugo Leisink
14 February 2014, 14:47
1: It looks like you've installed Hiawatha twice. One via Puppy Linux, one manually.

2a: I advice you to first learn more about how IP address, hostnames, DNS, routing and how it all works.

2b: Testing is done by simply accessing the website your webserver hosts and see if it all works ok.

If is the IP of the client, it shouldn't be used in the Hiawatha config. The Interface specifies which interface on th server Hiawatha should bind itself to. Use in your case. Or even beter, just remove the Interface setting entirely. It's not relevant for you.
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