
Reverse proxy for single file?

Rodney Hester
23 February 2014, 19:26
Is it possible to use ReverseProxy to map a single file to a different path on another web server instead of appending the entire URI to the proxy target?

i.e. if I define this:

ReverseProxy ^/blog/images/ipv6_logo.gif http://[2607:f8b0:4006:807::1002]/images/ipv6_logo.gif

I want this:

http://myserver/blog/images/ipv6_logo.gif -> http://[2607:f8b0:4006:807::1002]/images/ipv6_logo.gif

instead of what appears to be happening, which is:

http://myserver/blog/images/ipv6_logo.gif -> http://[2607:f8b0:4006:807::1002]/images/ipv6_logo.gif/blog/images/ipv6_logo.gif

Is this possible?

Hugo Leisink
23 February 2014, 20:24
No, that's not possible. URL rewriting needs to be done at the destination webserver.
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