hi, today Im testing hiawatha in reverse proxy, and I have two questions:
1- unless I add WebsiteRoot to the virtualhost, the server doesnt
Starting webserver: A WebsiteRoot is missing for www.ecualinux.com in hiawatha.conf
2- I would like to have a reverseproxy for all websites pointing to the IP... Im trying Hostname *.. I also tried Hostname www.ecualinux.com, * (because I readed the initial hostname should not contains *) but it is not working the way I expect.
3- I have the reverseproxy working, but when I extract the headers, I get Server: apache, instead of hiawatha.
here is the configuration as of now (I actually need an * because there are several domain names not only these):
VirtualHost {
Hostname = www.ecualinux.com, www.ernestoperez.com, ernestoperez.com, *.ecualinux.com, ecualinux.com, www.ecualug.org, ecualug.org
WebsiteRoot = /var/www/ecualinux
ReverseProxy .* keep-alive
as you can see here, instead of hiawatha, I get Server: apache:
[eperez@laptop ~]$ curl -s --head www.ernestoperez.com
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 21:44:47 GMT
Server: Apache
Set-Cookie: bb2_screener_=1398635087+; path=/
X-Pingback: http://ernestoperez.com/xmlrpc.php
Location: http://ernestoperez.com/
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Hiawatha version: 9.4
Operating System: CentOS-6