I have problem with the UrlToolKit. When I have this included in my configfile, running Hiawatha fails ALWAYS on the first line after the {. Why is this? Does a urltoolkit has a special place in the httpd.conf file? Do I have to enable it explicitly?
UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = default
RequestURI isfile Return
Match ^/(favicon.ico|robots.txt|sitemap.xml)$ Return
Match .*\?(.*) Rewrite /index.php?$1
Match ^/.* Rewrite /index.php
h1327387:/etc/hiawatha # hiawatha
Syntax error in httpd.conf on line 119.
I grabbed this example from the wiki, but with other urltoolkit's I've the same problem. In the httpd.config there's n URLRewrite section. Do I have to use this instead of the documented UrlToolKit? (I can't find any URLRewrite documentation).
I run hiawatha on an OpenSuse 11.1 box. Without the URLToolKit everything seems to be ok (php runs correctly via fast-cgi).
Hiawatha is compiled with the following options:
h1327387:/var/log/hiawatha # hiawatha -v
Hiawatha v6.7, cache, CommandChannel, IPv6, SSL, URL rewrite
I hope there's someone out there with an answer.
Many thanks in return.