
facebook remove some junk rewrite rule

2 August 2014, 21:01

Hiawatha version: 9.7b
Operating System: Centos 6.5

A joomla site we run has a problem with all the postback crap facebook sends when returning to the site, it actually breaks the joomla site.

We had used this rewrite rule:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} fb_action_ids
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1? [R=301,L]

Easiest way to do this? I would experiment but the site is live.
Hugo Leisink
2 August 2014, 21:15
Try this one:
UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = facebook_backpost
Match !fb_action_ids Return
Match ^/(.*)$ Rewrite /$1?
3 August 2014, 22:44
Yup, that did it thank you.

Testing 9.7b, whats the proper way to use the toolkits from .hiawatha files? What happens if a user types in a toolkit not defined?
Hugo Leisink
4 August 2014, 10:54
What do you mean with 'proper way'? Just place 'UseToolkit = <some id>' in a .hiawatha file.

I think using a non-existing UrlToolkit id will result in a 500 error. Haven't tested it yet.
5 August 2014, 03:42
That's what I meant didn't know if you changed the syntax or anything

500 is what I expect, just didn't want it to crash anything, since clients will do unexpected things sometimes.
Hugo Leisink
5 August 2014, 08:24
Crash? Have you have seen Hiawatha crashing? Dude!
6 August 2014, 04:33
Lmao. Ok, crashing was definitely the wrong word

How about this, effecting other users somehow. better?
Hugo Leisink
6 August 2014, 08:27
Much better. However, the errors in a .hiawatha file from one user won't affect the websites of other users. So, don't worry, be happy.
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