Warning random() isn't random; consider using arc4random()
27 September 2014, 22:28
Hi Hugo,
how can I fix this:
Linking C executable hiawatha CMakeFiles/hiawatha.dir/src/send.c.o(.text+0x8b4): In function `send_digest_auth': /root/hiawatha-9.8/src/send.c:749: warning: random() isn't random; consider using arc4random() CMakeFiles/hiawatha.dir/src/send.c.o(.text+0x1438): In function `send_header': /root/hiawatha-9.8/src/send.c:381: warning: rand() isn't random; consider using arc4random()
Linking C executable wigwam CMakeFiles/wigwam.dir/src/wigwam.c.o(.text+0x3b0): In function `create_basic_password': /root/hiawatha-9.8/src/wigwam.c:845: warning: srand() seed choices are invariably poor
Thank you. Heiko
Hiawatha version: 9.8 Operating System: OpenBSD 5.6 current amd64
Hugo Leisink
28 September 2014, 10:21
Although rand() is considered less secure than arc4random(), the usage as mentioned above can't harm the security of Hiawatha. You can ignore the warnings.