
running CGI shows 404 instead of running it

9 November 2014, 14:44

I'm trying to configure Hiawatha to serve some Fossil repos on my Linode VPS.

I configured fossil.domain.tld subdomain for the purpose and when I acess index.html it is rendered.

The setup looks as:

VirtualHost {
Hostname = fossil.domain.tld
WebsiteRoot = /path/to/wwwroot
AccessLogfile = /path/to/log/files/access.log
ErrorLogfile = /path/to/log/files/error.log
ExecuteCGI = yes
RequireSSL = yes

According to Fossil's docs [], I set the following script

repository: /path/to//wwwroot/tiki-hr.fossil

named: repo.fsl in


Moreover, hiawatha.conf contains:

CGIextension = fsl

However, when I try to access:


Hiawatha responds with 404 error and the following URL:


It should be quite straightforward, but it seems I'm missing something obvious
Hugo Leisink
9 November 2014, 22:03
Try adding "EnablePathInfo = yes" to your virtual host configuration.
10 November 2014, 10:02
Try adding "EnablePathInfo = yes" to your virtual host configuration.

Thank you. That was it.
Hugo Leisink
10 November 2014, 10:04
You're welcome. And don't forget to look into this PathInfo thing to understand what it does.
13 November 2014, 11:21
And don't forget to look into this PathInfo thing to understand what it does.

Sure, your answers are always pointing at learning more about the subject.
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