I'm trying to configure Hiawatha to serve some Fossil repos on my Linode VPS.
I configured fossil.domain.tld subdomain for the purpose and when I acess index.html it is rendered.
The setup looks as:
VirtualHost {
Hostname = fossil.domain.tld
WebsiteRoot = /path/to/wwwroot
AccessLogfile = /path/to/log/files/access.log
ErrorLogfile = /path/to/log/files/error.log
ExecuteCGI = yes
RequireSSL = yes
According to Fossil's
docs [fossil-scm.org], I set the following script
repository: /path/to//wwwroot/tiki-hr.fossil
named: repo.fsl in
Moreover, hiawatha.conf contains:
CGIextension = fsl
However, when I try to access:
Hiawatha responds with 404 error and the following URL:
It should be quite straightforward, but it seems I'm missing something obvious