
Hiawatha monitor conf

Kapageridis Stavros
30 November 2014, 13:34
Hi, Hugo

I have install hiawatha monitor and i am at the point after the password change(it works fine at this point). Now i need a little push about configuration.

1. In my hiawatha server conf(/etc/hiawatha/hiawatha.conf) i set MonitorServer = IP.OF.THE.SERVER (monitor runs at the same server with the website i want to monitor.) Is this setting ok or i must set ?

2. When i login to monitor website with the new password it returns the following error "fopen(../logfiles/actions.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/hmonitor/monitor/libraries/user.php on line 306.". Did this have any relation with php setting Allow_Url_fopen ?

#Some related info
* Monitor directory have hmonitor:www-data user/group permissions. Files/Folders = 644/755
*I have set hmonitor.domain.tld

Hiawatha version: 9.8
Monitor version: 1.0
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04 x64
Kapageridis Stavros
30 November 2014, 14:08
Question 1 is out, monitor get the clients successfully.
Hugo Leisink
30 November 2014, 14:11
2) Make sure the .log files in the logfiles directory are writable for the webserver. (0664 in your case?)
Kapageridis Stavros
30 November 2014, 14:15
Yes Hugo,

files 644 and the logfiles folder 755 .
Hugo Leisink
30 November 2014, 14:16
Not 644, 664 for the .log files.
chmod g+w logfiles/*.log
Kapageridis Stavros
30 November 2014, 14:19
Done !!!

I change *.log files at 777. Error msg disapear.

Thank you for another time Hugo.
Kapageridis Stavros
30 November 2014, 14:21
Ok Hugo,

664 and is working
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