
"#" character in URLs generated by dir index

Marius Dinu
11 December 2014, 20:57
Hiawatha version: 9.9
Operating System: XP

The default directory index ( /config/index.xslt ) generates links that cannot be opened for subdirectories containing "#" (number sign) character. This character appears in generated URLs as is, not encoded as "%23". According to RFC3986 ( ), number sign is a delimiter character. I did not understand in what circumstances it must be encoded, but Opera v12.14 won't open any links containing "#".

Can you modify the index so that it encodes "#" as "%23"?
Thank you.
Hugo Leisink
14 December 2014, 18:58
The hash sign (#) is a character with a special meaning in URLs. (See the HTML anchor tag <a> for more information about this). My advice is to not use it in directory and file names.
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