
Blocking useragent

22 December 2014, 20:37
Hello Hugo,

Wanted to raise the useragent blocking again. Because lots of users are having Wordpress useragent attack and we are unable to filter it with hiawatha.

Blocking useragent on end user server is not the best idea, because it requires addition of the block to .htaccess file for Apache (in hiawatha reverse proxy mode), and apache is still having extremely high load during the attack.

It would be best if hiawatha had some way of blocking unwanted useragents at least.|Mon 22 Dec 2014 18:43:13 +0100|200|1337||GET /index.php/?627757=-664003 HTTP/1.0|User-Agent: WordPress/3.7.5;; verifying pingback from|Host:|Accept: */*|X-Pingback-Forwarded-For:

Hugo Leisink
23 December 2014, 11:10
Ok, I'm gonna make you a deal. I'll place the reverse proxy code after the URL toolkit code, which allows you to block clients based on their User-Agent string before handing the request over to a webserver. This is a serious change, so in return you help me test this thoroughly. Deal?
Mustafa Ramadhan
23 December 2014, 11:41

Is it mean 'ReverseProxy' inside 'UrlToolkit {}'?. If yes, I hope this feature implemented in next version (according to
Hugo Leisink
23 December 2014, 11:43
No, configuration stays the same. But when you now specify an URL toolkit rule and a reverse proxy in one (virtual) host, the URL toolkit is ignored because of the reverse proxy. What I want to change is that Hiawatha first does the URL toolkit processing and then look at the reverse proxy settings. I don't want the reverse proxy to depend on the URL toolkit.
Mustafa Ramadhan
23 December 2014, 14:54

Imagine for this situation:

- init.conf
FastCGIserver {
FastCGIid = fastcgi_for_admin
ConnectTo = /opt/configs/php-fpm/sock/admin.sock
Extension = php

ReverseProxyserver {
ReverseProxyid = reverseproxy_for
ReverseProxy !\.(pl|cgi|py|rb|shmtl) 90 keep-alive

UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = utk_fastcgi_for_admin
UseFastCGI = fastcgi_for_admin

UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = utk_reverseproxy_for
UseReverseProxy = reverseproxy_for

VirtualHost {
## set reverseproxy as default
UseToolkit = utk_reverseproxy_for

- .hiawatha
## able to switch to fastcgi
UseToolkit = utk_fastcgi_for_admin

User able switch from reverseproxy to fastcgi (or vice-versa) using .hiawatha.
Hugo Leisink
23 December 2014, 15:00
I understand your usecase, but I don't see it as a realistic one. Why would you want to make such a switch? Why split up a website like that?
Mustafa Ramadhan
24 December 2014, 11:26
The reason is most users familiar with apache and my share-hosting using hiawatha-proxy. If hiawatha possible declare reverseproxy inside urltoolkit, the advantage is user possible trying hiawatha alone easily with declare 'useToolkit=' inside .hiawatha. No 'restart' for hiawatha service with this approach.

24 December 2014, 14:45
Hello Hugo,

We will definitely help test it as we are using hiawatha on many servers and for many clients.

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