
rewrite rule help

2 February 2015, 23:44
How can i convert this .htaccess rewite rules to hiawatha? Thank you.

# Kirby .htaccess

# rewrite rules
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

# enable awesome urls. i.e.:
RewriteEngine on

# make sure to set the RewriteBase correctly
# if you are running the site in a subfolder.
# Otherwise links or the entire site will break.
# If your homepage is
# Set the RewriteBase to:
# RewriteBase /mysite

# block text files in the content folder from being accessed directly
RewriteRule ^content/(.*)\.(txt|md|mdown)$ error [R=301,L]

# block all files in the site folder from being accessed directly
RewriteRule ^site/(.*) error [R=301,L]

# block all files in the kirby folder from being accessed directly
RewriteRule ^kirby/(.*) error [R=301,L]

# make panel links work
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^panel/(.*) panel/index.php [L]

# make site links work
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php [L]


# Additional recommended values
# Remove comments for those you want to use.
# AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
# php_flag short_open_tag on

Hiawatha version: 9.11
Operating System: Debian 6 32 bit
Hugo Leisink
3 February 2015, 07:49
UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = kirby_cms
Match ^/content/(.*)\.(txt|md|mdown)$ DenyAccess
Match ^/(site|kirby)/.* DenyAccess
RequestURI exists Return
Match ^/panel/.* Rewrite /panel/index.php
Match ^/.* Rewrite /index.php

If Kirby also uses URL with GET parameters (a question mark in the URL followed by key-value sets), let me know. Because ot then needs two extra rules.
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