
Convert Apache RewriteRule to Hiawatha ?

1 March 2015, 10:25
Hi, can anyone help

how to do i this Apache RewriteRule convert to ToolkitID Rewrite:

RewriteEngine on

# first reverse domain names order
RewriteRule ^/([^/]*?)\.([^/.]+)(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?/ab2p.css$ /$9/$8/$7/$6/$5/$4/$3/$2/$1/ab2p.css [N]

# then try to get CSS for current domain
# if it is unavailable - get CSS for parent domain
RewriteRule (^.*/+)[^/]+/+ab2p.css$ $1ab2p.css [N]

is this possible on hiawatha ?

sorry for my English

Hiawatha version: hiawatha 9.12
Operating System: Debian
Hugo Leisink
1 March 2015, 10:51
It will be something like this:
# first reverse domain names order
UrlToolkit {
Match ^/([^/]*?)\.([^/.]+)(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?(?:\.([^/.]+))?/ab2p.css$ Rewrite /$9/$8/$7/$6/$5/$4/$3/$2/$1/ab2p.css
RequestURI isfile Return
Match /(^.*/+)[^/]+/+ab2p.css$ Rewrite /$1ab2p.css
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