
Reverse proxy

6 June 2015, 21:55

As a long time apache user, I have been very happy to try hiawatha and so far it is handing the needs of my personal web server.

I am using: Hiawatha v9.13, cache, IPv6, reverse proxy, TLS (1.3.10), Tomahawk, URL toolkit, XSLT

I have some web servers (fossil, roundup ...) behind a reverse proxy. To protect these servers from attack, I would like to password protect the url's at the hiawatha level.

I noticed that there was a forum post stating that reverse proxy was getting some changes that would permit more configuration options. Might one of these options be password protection on a per reverse url basis?

My current config is:
   VirtualHost {
# configure for fossil
UseToolkit = fossil # rewrites /fossil to /fossil/ and
# redirects the client
ReverseProxy /fossil/ 1 60

# configure for roundup
ReverseProxy /demo 1 300

My virtual host will serve both public (non-password protected) files as well as these reverse proxied servers along with owncloud, foswiki etc. services. Hence I can't assign a password at the virtual server level.

I am going to experiment with setting up password protection on the cgi based services (foswiki/owncloud...) tonight. I expect that the PasswordFile option in their Directory configurations should do exactly what I want.

In reading the documentation for the reverse proxy I wonder if this would work to password protect the reverse proxied url's. In the documentation of ReverseProxy it says:

    ReverseProxy [!]<pattern> [<skip   directories>] http[s]://<hostname>[:<port>][/<path>] [<timeout>] [keep-alive]
... When <hostname> is an IP address, the value of the Host HTTP header is unchanged. Otherwise, it is replaced with the value of <hostname>.

Would setting something up like:
        ReverseProxy /fossil/ 1 http://fossil_host/ 60

VirtualHost {
Hostname fossil_host
PasswordFile ....
ReverseProxy .* 1 60

along with a /etc/hosts entry of: localhost fossil_host

do what I want. I.E. does the change to the Host HTTP header done by the reverse proxy allow me to recursively connect to the same hiawatha server and activate a new VirtualHost stanza?

If so are there any downsides to doing this (other than a performance hit)? Will the hiawatha server go up in a big ball of flame or
otherwise self destruct ?

Thanks for your help/thoughts.
Hugo Leisink
6 June 2015, 22:42
HTTP authentication settings are handled before forwarding a request to a reverse proxy. Directory settings however are not, because Hiawatha has no knowledge about any directory at a final webserver. So, when it comes to HTTP authentication while in reverse proxy mode it's all or nothing.

About the big ball of flame: Yes, there have been several reports about Hiawatha causing a meltdown. Unfortunately, I don't know what caused it, because in all causes entire data centers have been burned to the ground, so there was nothing left to debug. Use at your own risk.
7 June 2015, 02:04
Sigh, this was seen as spam so I have changed some formatting to try to get around that.

Hugo said:

] HTTP authentication settings are handled before forwarding a request
] to a reverse proxy. ...

Ok, so I can't mix authenticated reverse proxy and unauthenticated
resources in a single VirtualHost. Also there is no way to set a
different username/password config for each reverse proxied server in
a VirtualHost.

Do you know if my redirection hack and Host Header change method would

Also using Directory/PasswordFile I set up passwords for the non
proxied services: owncloud and foswiki.
Directory {
Path = /var/www/owncloud
ExecuteCGI = yes
FollowSymlinks = yes
SetEnv HOME = /var/www/owncloud
SetEnv HTTP_HOME = /var/www/owncloud
PasswordFile = Basic:/usr/local/etc/hiawatha/passwd/owncloud

I set up the same config for foswiki and it worked as expected.

However I wanted to use a different password file (and different
username/password) for Foswiki. So I have one username/password
configuration for uland:/foswiki and another one for uland:/owncloud.

AFAIK the browser stores a:

hostname, realm

with each directory path on a server that requests an authentication
to see if it can respond to an auth request. So I assume I need two
different realms one for foswiki and one for owncloud so the proper
username/password would be provided. IIUC the Realm is defined by the
LoginMessage option.

I tried:
Directory {
Path = /var/www/owncloud
ExecuteCGI = yes
FollowSymlinks = yes
SetEnv HOME = /var/www/owncloud
SetEnv HTTP_HOME = /var/www/owncloud
PasswordFile = Basic:/usr/local/etc/hiawatha/passwd/owncloud
LoginMessage = Owncloud

Testing with wigwam showed:

$ sudo -u www-data wigwam -c /usr/local/etc/hiawatha/
Using /usr/local/etc/hiawatha/
Reading hiawatha.conf
No non-fatal errors found in the Hiawatha configuration.

But when restartng I see:

$ sudo kill `cat /usr/local/var/run/ `; sleep 5; \
sudo /usr/local/sbin/hiawatha -c /usr/local/etc/hiawatha
Syntax error in hiawatha.conf on line 217.

Line 217 is the LoginMessage parameter and hiawatha did not start.

So looks like there are two issues here:

1) how do I specify the LoginMessage
2) wigwam is not reporting an error

It seems some browsers (e.f. firefox) will do the right thing
even if the realm is the same since I did manage to get different
basic auth passwords to work for /owncloud and /foswiki. Not quite
sure how that works, but I would still like to have different realms.

On a totally different topic, is there an rss feed for the forums?

-- rouilj
7 June 2015, 04:16
Hi all:

Just for the record this failed http://uland/fossil when trying
to proxy to a new virtual host:
VirtualHost {
Hostname uland
# configure for fossil
UseToolkit = fossil
ReverseProxy ^/fossil/ 1 http://fossil_host/ 60

VirtualHost {
Hostname = fossil_host
WebSiteRoot = /var/www/html
AccessLogfile = /usr/local/var/log/hiawatha/access.log,monthly
ErrorLogfile = /usr/local/var/log/hiawatha/error.log,monthly

# configure for fossil
ReverseProxy .* 0 60

with return code 508, "loop detected"

==> access.log <==|Sat 06 Jun 2015 22:10:46
-0400|508|857||GET / HTTP/1.1|Connection: close|Host:
fossil_host|X-Hiawatha-RProxy-ID: ed1749cf83|User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101
en-US,en;q=0.5|Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate|DNT:
1|Cache-Control: max-age=0|Forwarded:
for="a.b.c.d"|X-Forwarded-For: a.b.c.d|X-Forwarded-Proto:
http|X-Forwarded-Host: uland|X-Forwarded-Port: 80

a.b.c.d|Sat 06 Jun 2015 22:10:46 -0400|508|1703||GET /fossil/
HTTP/1.1|Host: uland|User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux
i686; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0|Accept:
en-US,en;q=0.5|Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate|DNT: 1|Connection:
keep-alive|Cache-Control: max-age=0


-- rouilj
Hugo Leisink
7 June 2015, 09:20
The 'loop detected' is when you configure a proxy to forward a request to itself. I'm sure that is not what you want.
7 June 2015, 15:32
> The 'loop detected' is when you configure a proxy to forward a request to itself.

Hmm, does that mean there is a bug in the routing, so I was hitting the uland virtual host
twice rather than having the uland virtual host proxy to the fossil_host virtual host?

The logs clearly show that the host headers were different.

> I'm sure that is not what you want.

Well it is what I want since the first reverse proxy does go back to hiwatha, but
it's just supposed to go to a different virtual host (fossil_host) than the original request
(which went to uland).

-- rouilj
Hugo Leisink
8 June 2015, 10:36
Don't use the reverse proxy for that. You can simply add the fossil_host as an alias. In that case, both hostnames end up at the same website.
Hostname = uland, fossil_host

If, for some reason, you don't want uland to be in the client's URL bar, use an UrlToolkit to redirect to fossil_host.
UrlToolkit {
Header Host fossil_host Return
Match /(.*) Redirect http://fossil_host/$1

Please note that I haven't tested this rule.
9 June 2015, 01:48
You need to reread my original posting.

My goal is to have hiawatha password protect the ReverseProxy url's. You told me the only
way to do that is to set a password at the virtual host level.

Since I have a mix of password protected (reverse proxy and other) services
and non-password protected at the uland virtual host level, I was trying to
password protect the reverse proxy services by proxying the uland service
to a new virtual host (fossil_host). Then the VirtualHost stanza for fossil_host
would have the PasswordFile seting and provide the password protection for
the ReverseProxy locate in the fossil_host virtualhost.
Hugo Leisink
9 June 2015, 22:40
In reverse proxy mode, Hiawatha only supports HTTP authentication for an entire virtual host, not on a per file or per directory basis.
10 June 2015, 00:54
Yup, that's what I was trying to work around hence the reverse proxy to a different virtual host.
Now I have to decide if not protecting the reverse proxied web sites is better than going back to apache.

Thanks for trying to help.

-- rouilj
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