
Show different sites based on browser TLS support

13 September 2015, 00:05

I would like to create a high security SSL certificate and wonder if visitors with browsers that does not support the certificate can be sent to another website?
An example is setting skipping support for TLS 1.0 and thereby preventing users with versions older then Internet Explorer 11 to enter the site. I would then want to send them to a page explaining the situation or showing some other website.

Or something like the RequireTLS flag but more like UseTLSIfSupported basically using port 80 for browsers not supporting the security settings and port 443 for those who do.

Can Hiawatha do anything along these lines?

Hugo Leisink
13 September 2015, 00:58
That can't be done. A browser that is not able to connect can't be redirected. This can't be done with any webserver.
13 September 2015, 11:16
The closest working option would then be to have a default site on port 80 saying something like "redirecting to secure site, if it fails then upgrade browser" that redirects to https using meta-tag or other way.
That is at least what I can think of.
Hugo Leisink
13 September 2015, 12:56
When the HTTPS connection fails (often happens during handshake), then there is no connection to the webserver. Without a connection, there is nothing that Hiawatha can send to the browser. No connection, no redirecting.
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