
413 Request Entity Too Large

18 September 2015, 14:26
Hi Hugo,

I am trying to upload a large theme (15MB) into wordpress and keep getting the following error message
413 Request Entity Too Large

I increased the php upload_max_filesize, post_max_size, and max_file_uploads but I still have the same problem.

Could you please tell me if there is a setting that I need to change in Hiawatha?
18 September 2015, 14:38
...Ok I found this in the documentation
MaxUploadSize = <size>
The maximum size of a PUT request entity in megabytes the webserver is allowed to receive. The maximum size is 2047 megabytes.
Default = 1, example: MaxUploadSize = 15

So I set
MaxUploadSize = 300

But Hiawatha failed to restart
Syntax error in siteconf/prodsite.conf on line 8.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/hiawatha: WARNING: failed to start hiawatha

Hiawatha v9.13
Hugo Leisink
18 September 2015, 15:41
Use the MaxRequestSize in the right Binding section:
Binding {
MaxRequestSize = <size>
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