I want to have two websites being served from the same IP, although each website should have it's own
jail [www.freebsd.org] and be served by its own Hiawatha webserver.
In the first (main) jail, I'm trying to set up ReverseProxy so that when http and https connections arrive they should be sent to the webserver at (port 80 for http and port 443 for https).
Tried this:
VirtualHost {
Hostname = web2.eu, www.web2.eu
ReverseProxy .*
But when restarting there's an error saying:
A WebsiteRoot is missing for hinoavida.eu in hiawatha.conf
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/hiawatha: WARNING: failed to start hiawathaFor example, in this
forum topic [www.hiawatha-webserver.org], there's a VirtualHost configuration without WebsiteRoot, exactly what I want.
Can or can't I have separate servers? How to do it?