
How to show files with .do extensions properly?

Johannes lorenz
29 June 2009, 18:24
Hello all.
I downloaded hiawatha and im very happy that it works so fine
but...if i want to display a page to the visitors with ".do" extension they only get shown the source code.
what do i have to do to make ".do" pages correctly viewed on hiawatha?
do i have to install extra software like JSP and how do i do that on hiawatha?
i would be very pleased if you could help me cause im new to this stuff.
Thanks in advance


Hiawatha version:
Operating System:
Johannes lorenz
29 June 2009, 20:24
btw i speak also german
Hugo Leisink
30 June 2009, 00:16
I don't know Java, so I can't tell you the exact answer. But what I know about Java is that it requires a special kind of webserver: a java servlet server. Hiawatha a webserver, not a servlet server. So, you need Tomcat or some other kind of servlet server to run Java. Even Apache requires tomcat to run Java. But, like I said: I don't know Java. So I'm afraid I can't help you with that.

If Java somehow speaks CGI, you can use the 'CGIhandler' option to bind the .do extension to a Java parser. But that would be too easy. And since Java is complex and complicated, I guess that it won't work.

btw, I don't speak German. I speak Dutch, English, C and PHP
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