
error mesage

johannes lorenz
30 June 2009, 14:23
i want that hiawatha redirects the visitor of my site to a specific part of my website if a document is not found on my server.
is this possible?

Hiawatha version: 6.11
Operating System: XP
Hugo Leisink
30 June 2009, 17:26
Yes, it is. You can use the ErrorHandler setting for that.
ErrorHandler  = 404:/redirect.php

You should create a redirect.php script (or some other CGI script) which redirects the client to the right URL.

Another solution is to use the UrlToolkit:
UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = redirect
RequestURI exists Return
Match .* Rewrite /redirect.php

VirtualHost {
UseToolkit = redirect
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