
How do I switch from compile to deb repository

Ron Jones
10 March 2016, 18:30
I have been using Hiawatha for some time now on my Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS server, and really enjoy the security, simplicity, and speed. However, with each update, i have been downloading and compiling manually into a .deb package.

I see that someone has added hiawatha to the ubuntu PPA repository, and I would like to use this.

What sort of steps are necessary to switch over from my compiled installation, to an apt-get update installation via the repository?
Hugo Leisink
10 March 2016, 19:15
Use the following two commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:octavhendra/hiawatha
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install hiawatha
Ron Jones
10 March 2016, 19:36
I already have Hiawatha installed via the tar.gz file and the "make deb" instructions you created. Will adding the repository, and running apt-get install over the existing install cause any problems that you're aware of?
Hugo Leisink
13 March 2016, 17:24
No, apt-get uses dpkg underneat. So, it will simply replace any existing package when a newer one has been found.
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