when I try to use hiawatha's https an error code SSL_ERROR_SSL returned. Could you help me to find the reason?
I use linux(kernel 2.6) and my openssl version is 0.9.8a. I generate the serverkey.pem file by the mkcert script and put it under the config directory, i.e. /usr/local/etc/hiawatha.
Here is my httpd.conf binding setting:
Binding {
Port = 443
UseSSL = yes
I try to use "" to visit the web page by IE6, IE7 and firefox. At this time the error message "SSL_ERROR_SSL" was printed by the web server and the connection is broken.
I checked the source code of hiawatha. The error code is retruned by function SSL_accept() which is from openssl lib.
Is there anything else I need config or I do something wrong?