
WebDAV protocol - SVN

21 July 2009, 08:56
Hi Hugo,

Was wondering if it is possible to use WebDAV protocol in Hiawatha to host a subversion repository. I wanted to have a SVN repository and this is when I started reading on it and looks like Apache has something to do it.

I can use svnserve as a daemon and it uses the custom protocol "svn://". But I cannot access this from everywhere because this special port is blocked. If it is http, then I can access it from everywhere.

Hiawatha version: 6.15
Operating System: Ubuntu 9.04
Hugo Leisink
21 July 2009, 11:55
Well, I only have little experience with SVN. I don't have the time to learn how SVN works. So, if you can tell me how SVN works (technical details please) and what a webserver needs in order to serve as a SVN server, maybe I can implement it in Hiawatha.
21 July 2009, 18:35
I am not sure about the technical details. I have only been using SVN on other servers. When I wanted to setup an own svn server, I found that Apache does it using WebDAV. Again, I am not familiar with technical details. Here is what I found from

< I tried posting the wikipedia links for SVN and WebDAV, but the forum sees that as spam, even though I tried it between the url tags>

How to setup SVN server in Ubuntu:

Its basically a version control tool that lets you checkout a project from a repository, make changes, and commit them back to the repository. Multiple folks can do this simultaneously and it would still maintain code integrity and keep the changes versioned. At any time, we can revert back to any of the earlier versions easily. When I write code, I love using SVN because it makes it easier to maintain and revert back. Also, I have to use couple of computers at different times and hence I can keep the changes in a central place and manage versions. Besides this user knowledge, I don't have details on the technical workings.

Temporarily, I found a simple to use SVN server for Windows and have set it up.
20 February 2010, 01:56
Any easy answers yet? I'm using as my host to a Vista 64 bit system and tortoise to produce a repository. I'm nearly positive this may not be the best way?
I really need a svn that would allow friends outside of my network to access a TO DO: page and be able to browse and commit. A password system would be helpful as well. Yikes how do I that. I wonder if C# can produce a connection string to allow a connection from afar, if I give my firewall and external port that redirects to my local host.

thanks. I'll think I'll go check tigris options now although for me alone I just use Tortoise.

Stumped with thanks tho.
Hugo Leisink
20 February 2010, 17:04
Hiawatha will not have SVN support. I understand the reason for SVN over HTTP, but personally i think it's a really ugly construction.
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