
Custom error page

21 November 2016, 16:08
Hi Hugo,

I have customised the error.xslt to our desire but we noticed that not all error are working..
ErrorXSLTfile = /etc/hiawatha/error.xslt

So far we found that the following 2 errors are still using the native hiawatha template..
"Banned Due To Misconduct"
"No input file specified"
Could you please tell me how to include this error mesages?
Hugo Leisink
21 November 2016, 20:18
The 'Banned Due To Misconduct' is shown in the default layout, because no virtual host has been selected (the ErrorXSLTfile is a virtual host setting). No virtual host can be selected, because no request has been accepted and parsed.

The 'No input file specified' is not a Hiawatha message, but a PHP message. Take a look at the TriggerOnCGIstatus option.
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