
stop Website Copier

24 April 2017, 13:40
Hi Hugo,

Is it possible to stop people from stealling my website using tools like HTTrack Website Copier?
I know that Hiawatha webserver is very secure but then, if anyone can download the entire content, they also have the entire wp-config.php file along with DB connection details to then attack the site.

Is there anything i can do using toolkit or anything else?

Thank you in advance
24 April 2017, 15:30

If someone can download you PHP files without them being processed, you must have made a mistake in the configuration of your server.

The wp-config.php file can be placed just outside the public directory (there is discussion about it on the officiel website, with some people saying it's an improvement and some saying the opposite but I don't remember all their arguments).

If I'm not mistaken, an url toolkit like that should replace the Apache Rule given by the official wordpress website :

<files wp-config.php>
order allow,deny
deny from all

UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = wpconfig
Match wp-config.php DenyAccess
Hugo Leisink
24 April 2017, 17:08
Like Nicolas already mentioned, no, it's not possible for other people to steal your website (code) if you configured the execution of PHP properly. When done so, people will only see the output of the PHP scripts, not the code itself.
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