Not sure exactly what should be correct,
on both Debian GNU/Linux and FreeBSD:
# ls -l store//////web/////test.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 56 Apr 15 23:50 store//////web/////test.php
So apparently the file system call to check if the file exists will return true. It's possible that the web server is operating properly.
The downside is that the ^/store won't match ^//store etc.
The fix I have come up with is to add a check for double slashes in the rewrite toolkit.
Match (//) DenyAccess
so it becomes:
UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = hubzilla
Match (//) DenyAccess
Match ^/store DenyAccess
RequestURI exists Return
Match /(.*)\?(.*) Rewrite /index.php?q=$1&$2
Match /(.*) Rewrite /index.php?q=$1
IMHO at minimum this should be mentioned on the rewrite examples page, I do not think it's clear to expect this behavior?