
The aspect of the directory

24 October 2009, 21:45
Is there any way for changing the "theme" for directory listing is showing?
For example the black background for white background.

Hugo Leisink
25 October 2009, 04:31
Yes, there are two options.

1) change the CSS for the default layout via IndexStyle.

2) create your own index via ShowIndex and a XSLT file.
25 October 2009, 11:08
But where is the default CSS and XSLT file?
Hugo Leisink
25 October 2009, 19:27
They don't exist.
26 October 2009, 16:51
So, what is the line of code what says "this is the aspect you have"?
Hugo Leisink
26 October 2009, 21:05
The default style for an directory index is integrated in the HTML output (view the source of an Hiawatha generated directory index). The code responsible for creating this index can be found in target.c :: show_index().

The XSLT file based directory index is build via xslt.c :: show_index_via_xslt(). Hiawatha comes with a example index.xslt. It can be found in etc/hiawatha in the source zipfile or in /etc/hiawatha after installation.
27 October 2009, 18:59
Thanks for answering. Please, consider the possibility of choose theme (as cherokee server do).
Hugo Leisink
27 October 2009, 20:51
I will not implement a Cherokee-like theming. Hiawatha's XSLT feature is far more flexible.
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