
Exploit.log configuration

7 December 2009, 11:34
Hi there,

Thanks for the new version!!

Just one question; hiawatha is trying to write an exploit.log when started. (have not seen that before) Can we set that location on the configuration file? Could not find anything about it in the manual.



Hiawatha version: 6.19
Operating System:
Hugo Leisink
7 December 2009, 13:10
Hi Peter. Somehow, the online manual weren't updated correctly. Fixed that one.

The exploit.log is used by Hiawatha to write requests which contain a possible exploit. You can use this to see if your website contains a vulnerability you aren't aware of. The location of the file can be changed via the ExploitLogfile option:
ExploitLogfile = /path/to/file.log
7 December 2009, 13:20
Hi Hugo,

It's a good feature indeed, I realized that there must be a config entry missing..

Thanks for the doc update

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