
IPv6 support

4 April 2006, 23:22
Does Hiawatha support IPv6? I think not 'cause you convert IP-addresses strings to unsigned long (32-bit). But maybe I'm mistaken. If not, will Hiawatha support IPv6 in the (near) future?

This is not just a feature request.. it prevents some users to test/use the secure Hiawatha webserver in high-end (secure) IPv6 environments. Those users probably turn to Apache, making the environment less secure.

It is like Malcolm X said: "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today."
Hugo Leisink
27 April 2006, 17:32
Hiawatha does not have IPv6 support. When IPv6 is being used by enough people, Hiawatha will support it.

Hiawatha's main goal is security, not features. Of course, Hiawatha will support al the necessary features to make it a usefull webserver. IPv6 is just not a necessary feature at this moment.
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