
Django FastCGI

Larry jr.
12 April 2010, 06:42

I installed Hiawatha with Python/Django using FastCGI

I'm run django daemon in with

 ./ runfcgi method=threaded host= port=3033 

My hiawatha.conf is:

FastCGIserver {
FastCGIid = DjangoCgi
ConnectTo =
SessionTimeout = 30

UrlToolkit {
ToolkitID = DjangoTk
RequestURI isfile Return
Match .* UseFastCGI DjangoCgi

VirtualHost {
Hostname =
WebsiteRoot = /home/larry/django/
UseToolkit = DjangoTk

This configuration work for root path "" but dont work in subpaths with "" it ignore any character insert after /

Anyone have any idea?

thanks for all

Larry Jr.

Hiawatha version:
Operating System:
Hugo Leisink
12 April 2010, 16:13
What do you mean with 'not working'? What kind of error or message do you see on the screen?
Larry jr.
13 April 2010, 02:06
always see index page, I don't get receive any "GET" data
Hugo Leisink
13 April 2010, 10:54
GET data is the information behind the question mark in an URL. The /admin and /admin/ are part of the URL, they're not GET data.

But /admin shows the right page, but /admin/ does not? Is that correct?

In case of a FastCGI redirect, the website is responsible for handeling the URL. Are you sure Django is configured correctly? (I have no experience with Django or Python, so I can't help you with that)
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