
FastCGI documentation

Rodney Azevedo
27 July 2010, 01:21
What is the possibility to we have a good documentation for dummies working with fastcgi.

Example, I assume here that don't pass in my mind How I can implement a C + sqlite application in Hiawatha.

And I'd like to know with there is a possibility to implement in the next release a Lua implements ( I see that lua is the script language faster that we have today) plus sqlite database.

I have implement some systems using kepler web serve (when keples was a web server wonderful, but know ... I desapoint me).

How I admire a system, that is security and fast, I've been interesting in hia. I compare a lot of web servers and technology, and I like hiawatha, I guess that this web server has everything to be wonderfull without lost performance. Well everything I guess that is done, only implement more technologies.
Hugo Leisink
27 July 2010, 09:25
Documentation about how to write a FastCGI application can be found on the FastCGI website []. How to configure Hiawatha to use such application can be found on the CGI and FastCGI HOWTO page.

You can use this example C source file [] to learn how to write your own FastCGI application. I don't know much about lua, but I'm sure that it can be used to write a CGI application. On the Kepler wikipedia page [] you can see that it supports FastCGI, so that should also be no problem.
Rodney Azevedo
4 August 2010, 04:17
Tks Leisink.

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