
Default WWW Dir???Where is it.

28 July 2010, 12:06

Hiawatha version: Unknown
Operating System: Puppy Linux 4.3
Hugo Leisink
28 July 2010, 12:45
There is no default www directory. Hiawatha uses the directory you specify as WebsiteRoot.
28 July 2010, 16:41
ugh I didnt specify a directory, I just typed Hiawatha at the cmd prompt, so it apparenty, does have a default location, as opens from somewhere, lol, im not crazy, anyone else have the correct answer?
28 July 2010, 16:46
I found it, default location in puppy linix is Web-Server, same folder as My-Documents
Hugo Leisink
28 July 2010, 17:10
No, you're not crazy. You just asked a question which you could have answered yourself by simply reading the manual or HOWTO page.
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